
Our Night at the Museum was on February 16th, 2023, at 6:00pm-7:30pm. I had to take a 30 minute shift with the rest of my group and help explain our group project. We are in Period 4 with Mr. Yeung so we had to come during 6:30pm-7:00pm. Each student in our group brought their laptops to do some final changes and to display their feature, so that way we could present to more people easier. Our Project was a flight planner and we used a frontend and a backend for it. Our backend was where we had to store our data for everyone’s features and then we had to show it on our frontend, and in order to get the data from the backend, we had to use fetch commands to get the data to show and save our data used in each of the features. This trimester, I was the DevOps, which was harder than expected, many people had a problem with Freenom, so as an alternative, Jeffrey proposed using DuckDNS. I finally got the site deployed and then helped other people who needed it.

Presenting our Flask Site

We did not really present our backend site, the main purpose of the site was to have it run and use it as a place to store the data that the frontend had. In order to use the backend, we had to get off the School Wifi because it had the firewall which blocked AWS which was the host we used for the backend. We quickly went over this site if there were any people who wanted to know more about our project and how we did it, so we showed them our code in the backend and how we made our own API, and how we formatted the data using Blueprint.

Presenting our Fastpage Site

This was the site we used mainly for our users to interact with. If you go to the website you can use our project and see what exactly what the users do. You can also go on the website to try it out. We got a lot of people to try out our features, and one person that I remember was an adult who came and asked us to explain our project as quick as possible. We all tried going over our feature quickly, and when we were done he just asked us questions, and it seemed like he knew what he was talking about, so I assume he had a lot of experience. I had a lot of fun explaining our project to other people.

Looking at other Projects

After 7:00, we could go, but I came early around 6:10 and looked at some projects from CSA and CSP. After 7:00, Sachit and I went around and looked at the other classes that were displaying projects for the Night at the Museum. We first looked at other computer science projects and used them, but after that we went to other classes such as Ceramics, 3D Animation, Drawing and Painting, and AP Studio Art.

Regarding AP Computer Science I looked at many projects even from Computer Science A. I liked to see how all the students in AP Computer Science A were working as well as their thought process. I took a picture of two people’s projects, Rohan Mallipeddi (APCSA) and William Wu (APCSA).

Jonathan and his group’s project was mainly about exercising and helping a person to count their calories. I found their project very cool, I mainly saw Paaras’s feature, and his calculator was pretty nice and it worked as well.

William and his group’s project was really interesting and they had a lot of work done. They did a project about crimes with multiple pieces of information attached to it. I really liked their site and they had so many features and a lot of pages. I think they did a lot of work and really showed they knew what they were doing. I listened to them present it and I was very impressed because they had so much information.

Rohan and his group’s project was amazing because it was related to Physics and it was not working, but then they fixed something using inspect element to debug it, and then it worked. There were a lot of calculations that went into it, and it looked really good. I was curious as to how it worked and what the code behind it was.

After a couple of computer science projects, we went into the room next to A151, which was full of 3D Animation pieces, so Sachit and I took some photos of the work. When we went inside of the 3D Animation Room, there was videos of other students work made into one video. Mr. Askegreen said we could not take photos of 3D Animation work, so I did not upload any photos of that here. When I took the class, the projects were the same, but the final renders looked much more better and people added things to it.

We wanted to go to the other classes, especially AP Studio Art. This was the class we spent the most time in after Computer Science. We were amazed at all the drawings and how real some of them were. We visited Drawing and Painting as well, which was not a class I went into in the last trimester’s Night at the Museum. When we were looking at the art, we met another Computer Science Principles Student who was amazed at all the art

After this we looked a bit at Ceramics, and there was a lot of interesting things we saw. One of them was an octopus which I thought had a good shape and the colors on it seemed very good.

One thing we also did on our way to the art classrooms was listen to some jazz music performed by some students. Here is a picture of Sachit in front of the Jazz Music. There is also another photo in the beginning of this blog post.