Submission 1


Written Response

CollegeBoard Rubric

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 They showed how the program worked and how it was able to use the input and output, as well as describe the functionality and purpose of the program
Data Abstraction 0 0 There are two code segments and it shows a list of RPS, but in the second segment, it doesn’t really use that list, but I am not sure if the list is necessary
Managing Complexity 0 0 This person did not show how the data has been managed showing how the data in the list is used as an output
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 There is one procedure that shows all the code and then later in one line of code, that line of code is calling the function, and talks about how it contributes to the function of the program
Algorithm Implementation 0 1 This person was using an algorithm that showed some iteration and selection, but I am not really sure that there was sequencing, and there was not too much detail
Testing 1 1 This person ran two different calls and they both include the conditions that were tested by that, and then after that it will find the output, and this person talked about the different results of each call

Submission 2


Written Response

CollegeBoard Rubric

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 This person did describe the program’s purpose and the functionality of it as well, and also showed the input and output of the program working
Data Abstraction 1 1 This person has two code segments that show a list, they identified the name of the variable being used, and hte list is used later on in the program
Managing Complexity 1 1 This list is one using the input of the user and is called letOfGuessWord, and it tells that it is very important to the function of the program
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 There is one procedure that the student uses in this code and there are 1 parameter in it called letter and then in the second segment that function is being called
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 They have sequencing and iteration, as well as selection because it is grabbing the input of the user and outputting it
Testing 1 1 There are two calls where each call should result in a check and an error, this person inputted a letter and a number, the conditions are tested as well, and the results are described

Submission 3


Written Response

CollegeBoard Rubric

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 1 The output of this program was shown in the video and was described in the written response, I am not really sure how the user inputs something
Data Abstraction 0 0 There is not really a variable and it is not really defined, and I don’t think the list contributes that much
Managing Complexity 0 0 There is not a list, so that means that the list has no purpose and doesn’t really contribute to the program, and they did not really explain how it would contribute to the program
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 There is one procedure that the student uses in this code and there are 1 parameters in it, and then in the second segment that function is being called
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 They have sequencing and iteration, but I am not sure about selection because it is not selecting anything, and the algorithm is not mentioned
Testing 0 0 The call is there but what is described is not shown in the image, but they did put the results of the calls as well as the conditions tested by the calls

Submission 4


Written Response

CollegeBoard Rubric

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 1 For this program, I am not really sure if there is an input or an output, all the user really did was click the button and move the boat, they did write the function and purpose of each
Data Abstraction 1 1 There are two program segments, the fist one shows a list, and the second one shows how that list is used, it also identifies, using the list fishtypes, and they also talk about what data is used in the list and how it is used for the program
Managing Complexity 0 1 There is a list called fishtypes and they explain how the list and explains how using a list is efficient, and how the code would change if no list is used
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This person made their own procedure with two parameters, y1 and y2 to give the user some points, and they described what the procedure and how it contributes to the overall functionality and purpose of the program
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This person talks about how they used sequencing, iteration, and selection, and they explained it enough detail that others can understand it
Testing 1 0 There are two calls that the user is testing based on the movement of the boat, both of the calls result in outputs and they both work, and the conditions tested, and it is in enough detail that someone could make a similar thing


Similar to the past few performance task scoring assignments, I think I did a good job grading these performance tasks. I’ve gotten used to the CollegeBoard Rubric and I think I know how to get a program that fulfills all of these programs. Knowing that actual people are grading our AP Exams, it can be determined that there can be different opinions. For example, on the first one, some people may think it deserves a 2, while some other people think it deserves a 4. This assignment just shows that the score one person thinks you got might not be your actual score, so it is important to review the rubric and try to get every single point.