Submission 1


Written Response

CollegeBoard Rubric

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 This person did not really tell us what exactly the purpose was but on the written portion they just stated the functionality, and they did show the input and the output
Data Abstraction 1 1 There are two code segments used in this program, and one is a list, the use of lists here have helped to classify the type of triangle that it is, this person did include everything so I believe they deserve the point
Managing Complexity 0 0 This person’s solution to the program without the list is not really that great, and the use of a list does not really seem like it is making the program any easier, instead of returning a list, they could’ve just used a string
Procedural Abstraction 0 1 Did not really talk about the overall functionality of the program while also talking about what the procedure does, and it is then used in a really inefficient way, but the parameter is there and is defined
Algorithm Implementation 0 1 This person was able to implement the code and explain it all very well, but they did not really show sequencing that much, but I did see a lot of iteration and some selection in the program
Testing 1 1 This person has included a lot of information about the two calls, and they were able to identify the result of each call with the use of implicit and explicit parameters, and different parts of the code are being run

Submission 2


Written Response

CollegeBoard Rubric

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 This person shows that input is being used in the program and then used to make an output, they also write down the function and purpose of the program
Data Abstraction 1 1 This person has two images of code that really help, and the code is used way better and implemented in an efficient way
Managing Complexity 1 1 This person included images of the necessary program and they are able to describe their code accurately and helps us to know the purpose
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This person made a function and then was able to include parameters within it, as well as also adding detailed explanations to the function of each portion
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Within the procedure, I can actually see everything used with selection, iteration, and sequencing
Testing 1 1 There are two calls included in the code of this program, and the person includes the function of each program and is able to accurately describe what it does as well as the result of each one


Knowing that actual people are grading our AP Exams, it can be determined that there can be different opinions. For example, on the first one, some people may think it deserves a 2, while some other people think it deserves a 4. This assignment just shows that the score one person thinks you got might not be your actual score, so it is important to review the rubric and try to get every single point.