Unit 3 Sections 1 and 2

This Group: Joselyn, Amitha, Naja, and Lina

Unit 3 Sections 1 and 2 Hacks

My Score: 1/1

Graded by Amitha

Comments: Completed everything accurately and did extra binary hacks


I really liked this lesson and I learned some things from them. I already knew a lot before this lesson because of the final exam. I got questions regarding this topic wrong on the final exam, so I reviewed it and understood it. This is why this lesson was pretty easy for me.

Unit 3 Sections 3 and 4

This Group: Theo, Haeryn, Ellie, and Kaylee

Unit 3 Sections 3 and 4 Hacks

My Score: 1/1

Graded By: Haeryn

Comments: Updated blog to have nice explanations, good work


Overall, this lesson was really fun and I really liked it. I did understand a lot and I already knew most of the information, but I learned more from this section than the one from before.

Unit 3 Sections 5, 6, and 7

This Group: Arnav, Nicolas, Ben, and Luke

Unit 3 Sections 5, 6, and 7 Hacks

My Score: 1/1

Graded By: Ben

Comments: Nice flowchart, completed all work with good explanations


This lesson was pretty simple and I think it was the most well organized one out of them all. I liked that we got to do a flowchart. I learned a lot about JavaScript and Python. The only thing I had a little trouble with were the Binary Truth Tables.

Unit 3 Sections 8 and 10

This Group: Varalu, Advay, Rohin, and Ryan

Unit 3 Sections 8 and 10 Hacks

My Score: 0.9/1

Graded By: Varalu

Comments: I don’t think your reverse list (w/o list.reverse()) or bubble sort algorithms work as intended. Also f-strings are used differently


The presentation done by this group was pretty simple, I felt that I understood most of what they said. For the things I did not understand, I went back into their notes and tried to understand what they did. I had a lot of trouble with Exercise 2 but managed to do it. The quiz they had was pretty easy and I was also very impressed with the UI of the quiz.

Unit 3 Sections 9 and 11

This Group: Eli, Samarth, Khalid, and Trent

Unit 3 Sections 9 and 11 Hacks

My Score: 0.93/1

Graded By: Trent

Comments: Extensive notes and great explanations for each of the answers


I felt like this was the lesson that I paid the most attention too, this was good because I knew what was being taught, and could keep up with the class. It wasn’t so much that I did not already know, but I just was able to follow along really well with the lesson and could understand the algorithms and the pseudocode in the lesson.

Unit 3 Sections 12 and 13

This Group: Caleb, James, Qais, and Krishiv

Unit 3 Sections 12 and 13 Hacks

My Score: 0.9/1

Graded By: James

Comments: Completed all of the hacks and took notes and explained each answer and showed a good understanding


This lesson was all about procedures and this is an important part of the CollegeBoard AP Exam because pseudocode includes a lot of procedures and this is important. If you do not understand these procedures, you should work on it because this lesson was beneficial to my understanding of what I need to do.

Unit 3 Sections 14 and 15

This Group: Emma, Sanika, Ishi, and Leonard

Unit 3 Sections 14 and 15 Hacks

My Score: 0.93/1

Graded By: Ishi

Comments: The reflection was really polished and showed a high level of understanding


This lesson was pretty simple and it was easy because I know a lot about variables and I use it all the time. I also learned a lot about Documentation and the importance of using it in your code. I also learned a lot about the random function, and how important and commonly used it is.

Unit 3 Section 16

This Group: Edwin, Sachit, Raunak, and Colin

Unit 3 Section 16 Hacks

My Score: 3.5/4 and 2.8/3

Graded By: Mr. Yeung

Comments: I think we just did not have much preparation and that is it, on top of this, we did not really do well in the grading, we possibly graded a bit too easily.


Our section was quite interesting and I think that we could have done a lot better. We did not prepare a lot for this presentation, and some of our group members did not know the format. We could have definitely put some more time into organizing everything to get a good grade.

Unit 3 Section 17 and 18

This Group: Zeen, Navan, Shaurya, Vardaan, and Justin

Unit 3 Section 17 and 18 Hacks

My Score: 1/1

Graded By: Vardaan

Comments: Really proud of this to be honest. He made a good effort at every single hack and he also did extra research and experimentation with the heap permutation after the hacks that were assigned


This lesson was really easy for me to learn because it was about undecidable problems and decidable problems. I was very interested in this topic and liked that they used graphs to visually represent the undecidable problems and decidable problems. I also learned how to improve the efficiency of algorithms.