This Group: Varalu, Advay, Rohin, and Ryan


  • Lists are a collection of data in a sequence that is an iterable
  • Each sequence is demarcated with an index, starting from 0. This is known as base 0 indexing
  • .pop edits the end of the list
  • for and while loops can be used to iterate over loops
  • cant go over the number of indices in the index
  • Iteration does a repetition of a process
  • A List is a collection of data in a sequence that is iterable
  • i is the number of times something is repeated
  • pop removes the last item from a list
  • base 0 indexing is when you start from 0
  • A while loop is an over bound interval by comparing it to a conditional


Iteration - Repetition of a Process

For Loop - FOR LOOP repeats a function for a set number of times; I is the number of times repeated

While Loop - The while loop is used to repeat a section of code an unknown number of times until a specific condition is met

Initialization - What sets the counter variable to a starting value. For example (var i = 0) represents an initial value of 0.

Condition - Allows the computer to know whether or not to keep repeating the loop.

Increment/Decrement - Modifies the counter variable after each repetition.

Indexing / List Index - The position of an element in a list, starting from 0

Nesting - Having one data type or function inside another data type or function, such as lists or loops.

Array - Another name for a list, depends on the language

What you need to do


  1. Complete the exercises and add screenshots of your completed code to your blog
    • Reflect on what you learned

Exercise 1

This exercise was pretty simple and I just used list.reverse, but the instructions asked us to do it with iteration, so I used a for loop and made it run for every value inside the list. The code that I used here was really simple, and all I did was take the original list and then reverse it into a new list and then print that.

This is probably the right way to do it, I did this with a for loop and was able to use it to run the code and make it add it’s value for each one in the list. By using a for loop here, I was able to actually fufill the iteration requirement and able to print the reverse order. However, I am not sure if we were supposed to print each number on a separate line, but I could not figure that out. I assume we would use a for loop function and then print something like i, it would be interesting to find out how to do this, and see if I was close.

Exercise 2

This was definitely the hardest problem or exercise that I had to do, even harder than the quiz. I couldn’t complete it so I moved to the quiz, so yeah this exercise was quite hard. I was not sure what was meant by bubble sorting. I decided to do a quick google search and this was good because after looking at it, I remembered I saw something similar in the lesson for Section 10 about Lists.

Multiple Choice Quiz

  1. Complete the quiz and add screenshots of the questions you got wrong to your blog
    • Reflect on what you learned
    • If you got everything correct, look at the javascript code used to create the quiz and explain how the use of lists and iteration helps to make the code more efficient


I got Question #10 on the quiz because I wasn’t exactly sure how many for loops we needed to use, but I knew that we needed to use a for loop because. There was 3 lists in the list, so I thought we could just use one for loop in order to iterate through. I believe that using one for loop would work but be less efficient, I think that by using 2 for loops it iterates through the lists much faster.


I felt like I knew everything from the quiz and could answer every question. I just had a little bit of a problem with Question 10. I was not sure how many loops are exactly needed to iterate through the lists efficiently. Overall, I felt that the quiz was pretty easy and everything that was in the quiz was covered during the lesson

JavaScript Code

When I first clicked on the quiz, I was really impressed with the UI. I really liked the UI and liked that it looked so nice. I think whoever made this quiz did a really good job with the UI and made it really friendly to work with, and the other effects also impressed me. I thought that this would have taken a lot of code, but after clicking on it, I realized that was not the case. The code was way more simpler and shorter than I initially thought. I noticed that they just made a function for the questions and then used a for loop to display it making it a lot more easier than having to type out each question in each cell. The Lists and Iteration both help to simplify this code a lot, and it also makes it easier for anyone trying to understand what was going on, the code was not too overwhelming, so it was easy to understand.

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