
Our Night at the Museum was on November 3rd, 2022, at 6:00pm-7:30pm. I had to take a 30 minute shift with the rest of my group and help explain our group project. We are in Period 4 with Mr. Mortensen so we had We had two laptops on display so that way we could present to more people easier. Our Project was a calendar and we used a frontend and a backend for it. Our backend was where we had to store our data for the calendar and then we had to show it on our frontend, and in order to get the data from the backend, we had to use fetch commands to get the data to show and save our calendar. I was a Frontend Developer so I worked a lot on the frontend and making it look nice.

Presenting our Flask Site

We did not really present our backend site, the main purpose of the site was to have it run and use it as a place to store the data that the frontend had. In order to use the backend, we had to get off the School Wifi because it had the firewall which blocked AWS which was the host we used for the backend. We quickly went over this site if there were any people who wanted to know more about our project and how we did it.

Presenting our Fastpage Site

This was the site we used mainly for our users to interact with. If you go to the website you can use our project and see what exactly what the users do. You can also go on the website to try it out. We got a lot of people to try out our calendar, and my favorite people that came were these two parents who asked us a lot about our calendar really testing our knowledge. I had a lot of fun explaining our project to other people.

Looking at other Projects

After 6:30, we could go, but I brought my sister with me and she wanted to see the art and other projects. We first looked at other computer science projects and used them, but after that we went to other classes such as Ceramics, 3D Animation, and AP Studio Art.

Regarding AP Computer Science I looked at many projects even from Computer Science A. I liked to see how all the students in AP Computer Science A were working as well as their thought process. I took a picture of two people’s projects, Jonathan Wu (APCSP) and William Wu (APCSA).

Jonathan and his group’s project was about Jeopardy but on the night of the museum, they did not really have a frontend, so he just showed me the code, but they could not really get Jeopardy to work

William and his group’s project was really interesting and they had a lot of work done. They did a project about crimes with multiple pieces of information attached to it. I really liked their site and they had so many features and a lot of pages. I think they did a lot of work and really showed they knew what they were doing. I listened to them present it and I was very impressed because they had so much information.

After a couple of computer science projects, my sister wanted to go to the other classes, especially AP Studio Art. This was the class we spent the most time in after Computer Science. I even saw an old elementary school teacher that I talked to for a bit, so that was nice. My sister really seemed to enjoy this class and told me she wanted to take it. After this we looked a bit at Ceramics but mainly looked at 3D Computer Animation after that. I pulled up my work from 2 years ago, and I was amazed how different my project was compared to everyone’s that was displayed. Mine was just the basics and what was required, but so many people went above and beyond and I was amazed by this.