JavaScript references

JavaScript is the most important language you need to learn as a frontend developer. It's a great first language for web developers to learn.

For this project, I personally used W3Schools a little bit

console.log output

Output to console using the classic programming introduction using a "Hello, World!" message.

  • The command or function is console.log()
  • I used Console.log in my AppLab
  • Whenever a button was clicked I would log it in the console
console.log("Hello World!");
Hello World!
console.log("This is Edwin trying out the console.log command")
This is Edwin trying out the console.log command

console.log output showing use of variable

This second example is a sequence of code, two or more lines forms a sequence. During the CollegeBoard Daily Videos for Unit 1.2, I learned what a sequence of code was

  • The variable "var msg =" is used to capture the data
  • The console.log(msg) outputs to console
var msg = "Hello, World!"; // This defines the variable "msg" and then prints it later with console.log
Hello, World!

console.log output showing use of a function

This example passes the previously defined variable "msg" to the newly defined "function logIt(output)".

  • There are two steps in the code, the definition of the function and the call to the function.
    • "function logIt(output) {}" and everything between curly braces is the definitions of the function

I noticed that you need to run previous codes because that is the only way the variable is defined.

function logIt(output) {
Hello, World!

Showing reuse of a function

Now that a function is defined, it can be called from any of the subsequent cell in the Jupyter notebook. A function/method, is a process of creating a procedural abstraction. This a programming practice to promote reuse versus coding the same thing over and over.

console.log("Reuse of logIT")
logIt("Hello, Students!");
Reuse of logIT
Hello, Students!

Dynamic or Loosely Typed Language

JavaScript is a loosely typed language, meaning you don't have to specify what type of information will be stored in a variable in advance.
similar to Python and most interpretive languages.

function logItType(output) {
    console.log(typeof output, ";", output);
console.log("Looking at dynamic nature of types in JavaScript")
logItType("hello"); // String
logItType(2024);    // Number
logItType([1, 2, 3]);  // Object is generic for this Array, which similar to Python List
Looking at dynamic nature of types in JavaScript
string ; hello
number ; 2024
object ; [ 1, 2, 3 ]

Build a Person Function with a Class

Jupyter Notebooks seems to be more friendly to "function" definitions versus "Class", thus this lesson uses "function" and "prototype" versus "Class".

  • Instance of a function, the "var teacher = new Person("Mr M", "jm1021", 1977)" line makes a variable "teacher" which is an object representation of "function Person". new Person("Edwin Abraham", "EdwinKuttappi", "2024")
// define a function to hold data for a Person
function Person(name, ghID, year, classOf) { = name;
    this.ghID = ghID;
    this.year = year
    this.classOf = classOf;
    this.role = ""; 

// define a setter for role in Person data
Person.prototype.setRole = function(role) {
    this.role = role;

// define a JSON conversion "method" associated with Person
Person.prototype.toJSON = function() {
    const obj = {name:, ghID: this.ghID, year: this.year, classOf: this.classOf, role: this.role};
    const json = JSON.stringify(obj);
    return json;

// make a new Person and assign to variable teacher
var teacher = new Person("Mr M", "jm1021", "Graduate", 1977);  // object type is easy to work with in JavaScript
logItType(teacher);  // before role
logItType(teacher.toJSON());  // ok to do this even though role is not yet defined

// output of Object and JSON/string associated with Teacher
teacher.setRole("Teacher");   // set the role
object ; Person {
  name: 'Mr M',
  ghID: 'jm1021',
  year: 'Graduate',
  classOf: 1977,
  role: '' }
string ; {"name":"Mr M","ghID":"jm1021","year":"Graduate","classOf":1977,"role":""}
object ; Person {
  name: 'Mr M',
  ghID: 'jm1021',
  year: 'Graduate',
  classOf: 1977,
  role: 'Teacher' }
string ; {"name":"Mr M","ghID":"jm1021","year":"Graduate","classOf":1977,"role":"Teacher"}

Build a List of People or a Class

Many key elements are shown again.

  • Building an Array, "var students" is an array of many persons
// define a student Array of Person(s)
var students = [ 
    new Person("Edwin", "EdwinKuttappi", "Junior", 2024),
    new Person("Emaad", "Emaad-Mir", "Sophmore", 2025),
    new Person("Luka", "LukaVDB", "Junior", 2024),
    new Person("Jishnu", "JishnuS420", "Junior", 2024),

// define a classroom and build Classroom objects and json
function Classroom(teacher, students){ // 1 teacher, many student
    // start Classroom with Teacher
    this.teacher = teacher;
    this.classroom = [teacher];
    // add each Student to Classroom
    this.students = students;
    this.students.forEach(student => { student.setRole("Student"); this.classroom.push(student); });
    // build json/string format of Classroom
    this.json = [];
    this.classroom.forEach(person => this.json.push(person.toJSON()));

// make a CompSci classroom from formerly defined teacher and students
compsci = new Classroom(teacher, students);

// output of Objects and JSON in CompSci classroom
logItType(compsci.classroom);  // constructed classroom object
logItType(compsci.classroom[0].name);  // abstract 1st objects name
logItType(compsci.json[0]);  // show json conversion of 1st object to string
logItType(JSON.parse(compsci.json[0]));  // show JSON.parse inverse of JSON.stringify
object ; [ Person {
    name: 'Mr M',
    ghID: 'jm1021',
    year: 'Graduate',
    classOf: 1977,
    role: 'Teacher' },
  Person {
    name: 'Edwin',
    ghID: 'EdwinKuttappi',
    year: 'Junior',
    classOf: 2024,
    role: 'Student' },
  Person {
    name: 'Emaad',
    ghID: 'Emaad-Mir',
    year: 'Sophmore',
    classOf: 2025,
    role: 'Student' },
  Person {
    name: 'Luka',
    ghID: 'LukaVDB',
    year: 'Junior',
    classOf: 2024,
    role: 'Student' },
  Person {
    name: 'Jishnu',
    ghID: 'JishnuS420',
    year: 'Junior',
    classOf: 2024,
    role: 'Student' } ]
string ; Mr M
string ; {"name":"Mr M","ghID":"jm1021","year":"Graduate","classOf":1977,"role":"Teacher"}
object ; { name: 'Mr M',
  ghID: 'jm1021',
  year: 'Graduate',
  classOf: 1977,
  role: 'Teacher' }

Making a Table

This example builds a Classroom method _toHTML which is passed to the IJavaScript interpreter $$.html which renders output similarly to a real website.

  • Three parts to convert Java to HTML and build a table
    • Body part is constructing the Table Rows (tr), Table Headings (th), and Table Data (td). The table data is obtained from a Classroom object. The JavaScript for loop allows the construction of a new row of data for each person object in the Array.

Important Info:

  • (td) - Table Data
  • (tr) - Table Row
  • (th) - Table Headings
// define an HTML conversion "method" associated with Classroom
Classroom.prototype._toHtml = function() {
  // HTML Style is build using inline structure
  var style = (
    "display:inline-block;" +
    "border: 3px solid blue;" +
    "background-color:#FFFFE0;color:yellow;" +
    "text-color:#FFFFFF;color:blue;" +    
    "box-shadow: 0.8em 0.4em 0.4em lime;"

  // HTML Body of Table is build as a series of concatenations (+=)
  var body = "";
  // Heading for Array Columns
  body += "<tr>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Name" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "GitHub ID" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Year" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Class Of" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Role" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "</tr>";
  // Data of Array, iterate through each row of compsci.classroom 
  for (var row of compsci.classroom) {
    // tr for each row, a new line
    body += "<tr>";
    // td for each column of data
    body += "<td>" + + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + row.ghID + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + row.year + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + row.classOf + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + row.role + "</td>";
    // tr to end line
    body += "<tr>";

   // Build and HTML fragment of div, table, table body
  return (
    "<div style='" + style + "'>" +
      "<table>" +
        body +
      "</table>" +


// IJavaScript HTML processor receive parameter of defined HTML fragment
</table></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
NameGitHub IDYearClass OfRole
Mr Mjm1021Graduate1977Teacher