What standards have we hit so far? Which assignment do they relate to?

We have finished videos from Big Idea 1 and started some of Big Idea 4. We have hit a lot of standards from this video. Additionally, we have also done a lot of standards seen with all the activities we are doing, so that means we can actually learn a lot and are preparing a lot for the AP Exam. I can reference all the activities we did with the APCSP website, because each activity is posted with tags corresponding to which standards they relate to.

What standards are you looking forward to learning more about?

I am looking forward to learning more about web development and how it can be customized. I also want to learn more about how the Internet processes and sends data, even though we learned a little about it in Big Idea 4. I think it would be interesting to watch the rest of the videos for Big Idea 4. This would be really important because I can learn so much about it and if I finish all the CollegeBoard Videos by the AP Exam, I can just review my notes instead of having to watch the videos all over again.

What other careers can you benefit from being in this pathway?

I can benefit from so many other Careers in the STEM field. The STEM Field is a huge field with so many different job opportunities and wide variety of activities. I have heard from many people that taking this class helps build skills that many jobs use such as web development which can be used by software engineers or business owners. Also, another skill learned from this class can be collaboration which helps in so many different fields as this is an important skill to have for any job.