The Internet Fault Tolerance Parallel and Distributed Computing

CollegeBoard Unit: The Internet

The Internet has been around for a while and there are many aspects to it like computing and the hardware. Computers used to be very big and people working that working with a big computer did not want to be alone so the internet was made. CSN - 1.A.1 defines a computing device as a physical artifact that can run a program. Some examples include computers, tablets, servers, routers, and smart sensors. CSN - 1.A.3 says that a computer network is a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data. Also CSN - 1.A.7 says that the bandwidth of a computer network is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time. CSN - 1.B.1 says that the Internet is a computer network consisting of interconnected networks that use standardized, open nonproprietary communication protocols. CSN - 1.C.1 says that information is passed through the Internet as a data stream. Data streams contain chunks of data, which are encapsulated in packets.

CollegeBoard Videos 4.1 Videos 1 and 2

Video 1:

  • Computers were really big and they were not very portable and this means that they could not really work with a lot of people
  • Working with big computers meant not much collaboration so people had the idea of the internet
  • At the time, computers were big because they needed the size for the hardware such as storage size and computers at the time had small storage
  • Routers are actually computing devices and they push information
  • Computers are capable of sending and receiving data
  • A packet is a small amount of data sent over a network and each packet includes the source and the destination and can be sent
  • Packets are sent from a computer system or a computer network
  • A Computer System is a group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose
  • A Computer Network is a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data
  • When you have a computer system, you need a computer network
  • A computer will take a packet and divide into smaller pieces and then they are sent along multiple different paths and don’t have to be in order
  • A router helps guide a packet and direct it towards where it is going
  • Routing is the process of finding a path from sender to receiver. = Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time on a computer network, measured in bits per second

Video 2:

  • There are four levels, Application, Transport, Internet, and Network Access
  • There are many different protocols, standards, data formats, used at the Application and Transport layers
  • Application: HTTP and DNS, how the user is able to connect to the Internet
  • Network: Focuses on Hardware and the most access network access protocol is Ethernet
  • Network Access: Data Link, Fiber, MAC, Ethernet, NIC, and Wire and
  • Internet: IP Address and was designed to be scalable, meaning it can change size when there is a lot of information
  • Transport: Has TCP and UCP, and TCP does error checking and error recovery so it is slower and UDP performs error checking but not for packets
  • Intranet is LANs connected by Routers
  • Local Area Networks (LAN’s) are physical connections and can be limited by hardware and physics
  • DNS is the Domain Name Service and they are applications that translate a human readable URL to a IP Address

CollegeBoard Quiz: The Internet Quiz

I took the CollegeBoard quiz about the Internet and out of the 3 questions, I got 2 of the questions right showing that I mostly understand the topic and I can use what I learned to make myself a better developer and understand what errors happened and how to fix them. I got the 3rd question wrong and this question was asking the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet. I understand now and I was just a little confused on the definitions


Computers are used by people all the time, but computers were large so that means that they were not that portable so in order to communicate with others, the internet was made so computers could communicate with each other. Today, many people have access to the Internet, and in order to connect they need a computing device to send and receive data. This is usually the router which many people have that help them to connect to the internet. Data is sent over a network in packets which has data and tells routers where it is from and where it is going. People use the internet to send data all the time and it makes it easier to learn and communicate with others on the Internet.
