Collaboration Program Function and Purpose Program Design and Development Identifying and Correcting Errors

CollegeBoard Unit: Program Design and Development

There is a lot of development that has to go into programs to make the user interactions easier. CRD - 2.E.1 says that a development process can be ordered and intentional or exploratory in nature. CRD 2.E.2 says that there are multiple development processes. the following phases are commonly used when developing a program: investigating and reflecting, designing, prototyping, and testing. CRD 2.F.3 also says that some ways investigation can be performed are with collecting data through surveys, user testing, interviews, and direct observations. CRD - 2.H.1 says that it is important to acknowledge any code segments that were developed collaboratively or by another source. CRD - 2.G.2 says that comments are a form of program documentation written into the program to be read by people, and do not how a program runs.

CollegeBoard Videos 1.3 Videos 1, 2, and 3

Video 1:

  • A program is always developed with an idea
  • The idea always has a specific purpose in the mind and the people think about what they want to do and follow some steps
  • Developers are trying to stick to their plan and follow some specific steps
  • The Development can be very exploratory and the steps followed are based on what happens, people who are observing early AI Projects look for things to improve on and they try to make changes that might be useful
  • When making a program, developers have to determine the requirements of the program, understand the constraints like time, understand the user concerns and interests
  • Developers design the program by brainstorming, storyboarding, planning user experience, laying out the user interface, organizing into modules, and develop a testing strategy
  • Developers have to choose how a program should behave and include a list of user interactions

Video 2:

  • Programs are developed by groups of people and groups use programming from other people and make it for themselves, but they must give credit
  • Different people or teams work on different components and they all work together as a team
  • When working in a team, credit must be given to people who were a part of the program, and documentation helps when fixing things and so that person gets credit
  • The program documentation should include the author’s name and the source of the code segments used

Video 3:

  • Comments are used by Developers all the time to tell themselves what their code does and tell collaborators how their code works
  • In comments, they will describe the program, list program specifications, describe the program, and the list of contributors and authors
  • The developers will list the specifications of the program like the purpose
  • Developers keep track of the process while programming
  • After they are done, they should be able to explain the process
  • Comments can help the efficiency of programming, and help programmers to find bugs or understand what each piece of code says
  • To comment in Python, you need to put a #
  • To comment in Java, you need to put a //, /* Comments/, /** Documentation/
  • To comment in HTML, you need to put < !–Comment–>
  • To comment in AppleScript, you need to (* Comment*)
  • To comment in Scratch or AppInventor, you can add comments to each block and can be shown when wanted

CollegeBoard Quiz: Collaboration Quiz

I took the CollegeBoard quiz about Collaboration and out of the 3 questions, I got 3 of the questions right showing that I understand the topic and I can use what I learned to make collaborating with my group more efficient. I can use what I learned to make sure I am a better collaborator. I can add more comments to my code to help my group mates understand what I am trying to do. I can also add comments to my fastpage, so anyone looking at my code can see what I did.


There is a specific purpose for Developers when they are making a program and they have to do a lot of things. They also need to think about a lot and what they can add or change. They also need to do a lot of testing. Developers make a lot of additions based on feedback or they thought of improving something. Developers have to work in groups and they often work in small groups of large groups. They will all work on specific areas and then they will add comments to see what each program does. Documentation is very important for developers especially when they are in a team, so others can understand what is going on and credit can also be given to people.