Last week in American Literature 1

This past week, we had to write two poems in my class, one was finding words from a poem and making one from that, and then we had to make two new poems with our words.

The other poem was to write an actual poem using your own words

The First Poem about Immigration

An Immigrant Coincidence I came to America in hope for this promised life Once I arrived everything was out of sight Treated like an outstander with a lowlife I applied for a job but had to put up a fight

They directed me towards the department of agriculture With no friends, I sought a subculture Found myself surrounded by those with a similar incidence I don’t think this was a coincidence

I feel I have found my place Where everyone is alike with the same mission The relationship between us is like a baseball team trying to go to base Crowds of people all with a comforting smile, I finally feel recognition

Though this country may have a bell that rings liberty It reminds me of the taste of bitter tea So I say this country is only as good as it’s people

The Second Poem about Immigration

Shielded from the Warfare I thought this new world would be a place to call home But I have no freedom to roam At the park, I saw a bald eagle An American Symbol, yet making me feel illegal

I thought this country would be full of opportunities Hoping to make use of all the amenities Despite the uninviting feeling It does feel a little freewheeling

I thought this country would make me smaller Yet every day I feel more like a scholar The education here is like none other It feels great to not have to suffer

I thought this country wouldn’t care All of this to get away from warfare When I got here, all I could think of was being free The thought of getting a college degree

I thought this country would provide me with a shield And it has helped me become healed I am still discovering my capability Overjoyed with all the possibilities