Computer Science is focused a lot on Problem Solving and if you find interest in the class, it is such a really good experience

Computer Science is a really important skill and is very useful in your daily life even if you don’t want to major in Computer Science, the class teaches you skills in other majors such as Problem Solving

Allison said that web development was a really important skill that she learned that she uses very frequently and Computer Science Principles really helped her develop that skill

This class has helped many people such as Nitya to realize that Computer Science can be used in the real world.

A Big Challenge for Computer Scientists was starting and getting a lot of people saying how they were so good at Computer Science and this makes you feel like you need to compare yourself to them.

As a Mechanical Engineer at UCSD, you have to do a hands-on project freshman year and another hands-on project senior year, and you have to make the most of it. Computer Science was a class that helped the alumni to develop skills such as social skills and help them to understand how you learn the best.

The Mechanical Engineer at UCSD has used so much information from Computer Science for his major. Coding is everywhere and is really helpful for some projects and can help save a lot of time. Coding can help a lot in high-level math classes and Jupyter Notebooks are really helpful in some activities in College

Computer Science Principles and Computer Science A is really helpful to help you get internships at Colleges. I know Nitya got an internship at UCSD for Computer Science and this really helped her with her transition to UCSD. Code Ninjas is also a job with Computer Science that can help you a lot, Additionally, you can learn a lot from internships at IT schools. Allison helped a church group and did graphic design. Nitya did an internship at Northrup Grumman, but they only usually take 20 students from PUSD.

Colin who is a mechanical engineer at UCSD was able to use programming during his education at UCSD to help him solve problems. These problems would take too long without code, so coding has really helped him with building things.

This September and November are when most major companies start hiring for summer internships, and you need a resume, Smaller Companies usually take High School Student Internees. Ask some of your friends’ parents for an internship at a company.