Trimester 1

Tools and Resources

Week Sprint Review Tickets Summary
0 Tool Setup Review Ticket Week 0 This week was the hardest week where we set up tools such as VSCode and Anaconda. In this week we were supposed to make our first markdown post and make a jupyter notebook.
1 Intro to Python Review Ticket Week 1 We learned more about Python and how to install it and was able to make a quiz. We took a code from Mr. Mortensen and had to program a quiz that showed we knew CollegeBoard Terms.
2 Data Abstraction Review Ticket Week 2 This week was the week that he had to write lists and dictionaries and use them in our codes. We had to take a database on information from us and our partners and made a list of them to output. We were also introduced into changing the design of the websites such as making the background darker or a different color and styling with HTML.
3 Creative Development Review Ticket Week 3 During this week we had to make an app like a quiz using the AppLab in This week also helped us prepare for the Creative Development portion of the AP Exam. There are 6 rows and each one is worth 1 point making the total on the AP Exam for this portion 6 points.
4 Python Web Server Project Review Ticket Week 4 In this week we had to focus on making a video just like we do for the AP Exam. This was practice for the AP Exam and the teacher and a lot of students gave me feedback. We also had to show we could make local servers running.
5 UI Starters Review Ticket Week 5 This week we had to make a javascript notebook like our jupyter notebooks but focused on Java. We also had to make a group plan post and we decided to make a program to make an agenda. We also had to change our own python flask sites and make changes to index.html and stub.html. We also had to make a submenu that showed up each time a link from the menu was clicked.
6 Deployment Review Ticket Week 6 This week was just learning how to host multiple python flask sites from our group onto AWS and learning how to change it to make the right one show up. One thing that we also have to do is make a domain for our group and host subdomains for each of our sites but it did not really work well and took some time to finish. I added submenu for my CollegeBoard Notes and Quizzes so that makes it easy for people to switch between each one and try and find different ones.
7 API Review Ticket Week 7 This week was learning how to use API's which are really cool and they can show a lot of information. I got to play with an API that was about AI. This API was interesting because I could ask it a question like what color are apples and it would say yellow or green or red. This week we also had to correct an error with Burger and Fries and make sure we knew how to use elif statements and string variables like k and v but I did not really do this.
8 Internet Connections Review Ticket Week 8 This week was focused on teaching the frontend developers and backend developers how to debug code using VSCode and Inspect Element. The assignment was cancelled so I should revisit. We focused on the CollegeBoard Big Idea 4.1 Notes about the Internet to learn how exactly information can be sent from one place to another place as well as the process of that. This week was mainly just deploying our flask site on a common machine for all of Mr. Mortensen's APCSP classes and make a subdomain called
9 Project Week 1 Review Ticket Week 9
10 Project Week 2 Review Ticket Week 10
11 Project Week 3 Review Ticket Week 11